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Since we’re here how about a little Jamie T anecdote:
The first toy i played with (consciously i mean, I’m sure Billy Bumper, Jiminy Cricket and Old Ted would disagree with me and say they had dibs on “first”) was a 1912 RED Bellows KODAK Folding Camera NO. 3 (google it, it’s a thing of beauty).
I remember pulling on the mechanisms gently, fiddling with the winder, releasing the shutter, hearing it whir and click in all its analogue glory. Never took a photo with it of course, film had moved on then to something much more convenient and user friendly.
the first shots I ever took were on 110 film that dad used to send off for me to get developed in one of those 99p truprint plastic envelopes and none of them were any good, i think they all had the sticker on them saying i’d messed things up…